Friday, July 24, 2015


On 23rd July 2015, NASA astronomers announced that they had found an Earth-like planet named as Kepler-452b, roughly 1,400 light years away.

It is said that the planet has habitable zone means it is at the distance at which water can pool on the surface of a planet.

Kepler-452b is roughly 60 percent larger in diameter than Earth but still has a good chance of being rocky like Earth.

The planet takes 385 days to orbit its star.

It has a probable mass five times that of Earth, and its surface gravity is twice Earth's, though calculations of mass for exoplanets are only rough estimates.

The planet was discovered by The Kepler spacecraft which was launched in 2009 to collect and transmit data on potential Earth-like planets.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Common Investment Areas in India

Investment plays a vital role in adjusting all other financial needs of life. In India, there are several prominent fields to make investments depending upon the volume of income and choice of investment of the individuals. Let us explain them one by one.

1. Self Motivated investments
Well, out of all the possible ways of investment, this is the most trusted for an individual who is reluctant in risk-taking. There are self-invented means of investing money like

  • Letting a flat, building or market complex for rent
  • A dairy production unit 
  • Earn interest by lending money etc. etc.

These ways are unique in its aspects and raise extraordinary incomes. Here all the profits are gained by the hard labor and managing all the dilemmas and risks by the person's own involvement and responsibility.

2. Fixed deposits
Secondly, if you want to be completely hassle free in earning through investments, one of the simplest ways is a Fixed deposit which allows a person to keep a gross amount of money for a particular period and earn interest on it. The interests can be withdrawn on both recurring basis and maturity basis. Hence, it is a very useful for persons who are not aware of the other means of proper investments.
Fixed deposits are less risky and the customers get a fixed rate of return despite the negative situation of market.

3. Equity share trading
Thirdly, there is another dynamic branch for investment of money. This is equity share trading. Yes, if you want to invest your money in the capital of the reputed companies of the current market and be its shareholder, then your money is worth of whopping returns. The companies register for the scope of equity investments from public through the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and the National Stock Exchange (NSE) of India. The people in general usually invest money in equity sector through a third person or broker companies like the Share khan LTD, Religare, SBI Online or Indiainfoonline etc. These third parties charge their brokerage charges for conducting the buying and selling activities of shares on behalf of the customer. When the share market is on a lower trend, people buy their stocks in cheap prices and wait for their target price in the growing trend and sell in a higher price to make profits.

4. Gold trading
Number four is gold trading through Multi Commodity Exchange (MCX) and the National Commodity and Derivatives Exchange Limited (NCDEX) of India. Gold prices generally fluctuate due to the periodical marriages according to Indian traditions. People buy jewelleries during their need and smaller scale of people buy and trade for profession. But the amount of income in this field is extremely high comparing to overall income of other means. Gold traders buy their commodities during its lower price and sell in gross at the time of grown trend. That's why this is considered as the hardest business in practical as it involves very pin pointed care and management of the commodities in every reasonable way.

5. Forex trading
Another powerful means for earning huge income now-a-days is forex trading. We all know that due to certain factors like inflation, the world currency rates fluctuate everyday, thereby opening a door for its business. Forex traders buy currencies at lower rate and sell at higher rate. Thus income returns are up to the target mark.

Common Terms Used in Loans

Almost all of us, may have gone to the bank or some will go in future, to apply for particular loan. The bank representative gives us all the documents depending upon type of loan but many terms in these documents can not be understood. To avoid this please remember the meaning of these terms.

1. What is EMI?
We have read this term almost every where but what does it stands for? EMI stands for Equated monthly installments. It is the amount which is payable to the bank every month. Depending upon your loan amount and tenure the bank will divide the final amount in small installments,

2. What is floating rate loan?
Floating rate loan means that the interest rate on your loan is not fixed and is subject to change The bank may increase or decrease the interest rate depending upon many factors such as financial condition of bank, guidelines issued by governments etc. It depends upon your financial condition and also economical condition of country. If economical condition of country is strong, and chances of remaining it stable are high then you can choose this option. Stable economic condition means banks have good amount of money and they don't need to collect money from other sources to compensate their loss.

3. What is fixed rate loan?
Fixed rate loan means the interest rate loan on your loan will not be changed during its period. According to me it is better option to choose because your interest will not increased in case of any financial problems of bank. If you choose this option then your EMI will be maintained same throughout the loan period, except some critical conditions.

4. What is NMI?
NMI stands for net monthly income. Normally it refers to your total monthly income after taxes. Your NMI is taken account by the bank to decide your loan credibility. If your NMI is greater then you may get more loan amount from the bank.

5. What is NAI?
NAI stands for net annual income. It is your total annual income after taxes. NAI is also used to calculate your loan credibility by some banks in addition with NMI.

6. What is GMI?
GMI stands for gross monthly income. It is your monthly income without considering the amount of tax that is payable by you. It may be simply your total monthly income.

7. What is GAI?
GAI stands for gross annual income. It is same as GMI but on annual basis. It is your total annual income without considering the amount of tax that is payable by you. GAI may be simply regarded as your total annual income.

8. What is margin?
Margin is another important term used by banks. It is also called down payment. Normally bank gives up to 80% of your total value of home or car as loan. Remaining amount is supposed to payable by you, is know as margin, in banking terminology.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Vegetable Name In English And Hindi... Part 2

Turnips Shalgam  
Pumpkin Kaddu
Ridge gourd / Zucchini Tauri
White goose-foot  Bathua
Curry Leaf  Meetha Neem Patta / Kari Patta
Lettuce Salad Patta
Water chestnut Singarah
Ash Gourd Petha
Bottle gourd /Chinese melon / Long Melon Lauki
Thyme Leaves Ajwain
More on Vegetable Name In English And Hindi... Part 1
More on Vegetable Name In English and Hindi... Part 3

Vegetable Name In English and Hindi... Part 3

Beetroot Chakundar

French Beans Sem

Indian round gourd or Apple gourd Tinda

Lady Finger Bhindi / Okra
Little gourd Kundru

Cucumber Kheera

Spinach Palak

More on Vegetable Name In English And Hindi... Part 1
More on Vegetable Name In English And Hindi... Part 2

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Stop WhatsApp images from showing in Gallery

You probably don't want all the images from WhatsApp to appear in your Camera Roll on iOS, or in your Gallery or Photos app on Android.

Go to Settings > Privacy > Photos and toggle WhatsApp off.

1. Use a file manager like ES File Explorer,
2. Go to sdcard/WhatsApp/Media.
3. Tap New at the bottom left in any folder you don't want shared,
4. Create a file called .nomedia.
5. Restart the phone.
Your images won't pop up in the gallery anymore.

More Tips on Whatsapp-
How to get back deleted messages in Whatsapp

How to get back deleted messages in Whatsapp

WhatsApp takes back up of messages on your device every morning at 4AM. So you can recover
all messages till last backup. If deleted message was sent today after last backup was taken then unfortunately there is no way to recover it.

Following are the steps to recover messages from last backup -
1. Uninstall Whatsapp from phone.
2. Go to sdcard/WhatsApp/Databases to see multiple backup files created by Whatsapp.
3. Re-install the Whatsapp on your phone.
4. It will ask whether you want to restore the chats.
5. Click yes and continue with on screen instructions.

Note - This tip only works for Android.

More Tips on Whatsapp-
Stop WhatsApp images from showing in Gallery

Friday, July 10, 2015

How Money Counting Machine Works

Ever wondered how putting a bundle of notes and a whirl sound gives you a correct number of bills or notes?

All the magic happens in bill counters or money counters, generally used by banks, retail stores and other organizations to count banknotes. These machines are designed to be extremely accurate.

How it works?

There in an roller which has rods in an continuous pattern. The roller moves these rods with a particular speed and the speed remains constant and just move out the single currency one by one at a constant and high speed and there is an optical sensor which detect that how many single currency has passed out in front of it.

Less Known Facts

1. The book "Gadby" written by Earnest Wright in 1939 is a 50,000 words book. It does not contain a single word with 'E' in it.

2. About 10% population of the world is left handed.

3. "SKEPTICISMS" is the longest word that alternates hands when typing.

4. Apples are actually part of the rose family.

5. Most soccer players run 7 miles in a game while each possessing ball for ~ 3 to 4 mins only.

6. "TYPEWRITER" is the longest word that can be made using the letters only on one row of the keyboard.

7. Coca-Cola was originally green.

8. The name of all the continents end with the same letter that they start with.

9. You can't kill yourself by holding your breath.

10. It is impossible to lick your elbow.

11. If you sneeze too hard, you can fracture a rib. If you try to suppress a sneeze, you can rupture a blood vessel in your head or neck and die.

12. If a statue of a person in the park on a horse has both front legs in the air, the person died in battle.

13. If the horse has one front leg in the air, the person died as a result of wounds received in battle.

14. If the horse has a all four legs on the ground, the person died of natural causes.

15. Elephants are the only animals that can't jump.

16. The cigarette lighter was invented before the match.

And finally 99% of people who read this will try to lick their elbow.