Saturday, November 28, 2015

ArcelorMittal Orbit

The ArcelorMittal Orbit is a 114.5 metre (376 feet) tall sculpture and observation tower in the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in Stratford, London.

It is intended to be a permanent lasting legacy of London's hosting of the 2012 Summer Olympic and Paralympic Games.

It was closed after the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games, while the South Plaza area of the Park underwent reconstruction for its long-term legacy use as a public outdoor space. It re-opened to the public on 5 April 2014.

Orbit was designed by Turner-Prize winning artist Sir Anish Kapoor and Cecil Balmond of engineering Group Arup.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Fruit Names in English and Hindi

Engligh Name Hindi Name Pic
Apple सेब (Seb)
Apricot खूबानी (Khoobani)
Banana केला (Kela)
Blueberry नीलबदरी (Neelbadarī)
Coconut नारियल (Nariyal, Kopra)
Custard Apple सिताफ़ल (Sitaphal, Sharipha)
Dates खजूर (khajoor)
Fig अंजीर (Anjeer)
Gooseberry आँवला (Amla)
Golden Gooseberry रसभरी (Rasbhari)
Grapes अंगूर (Angoor)
Guava अमरूद (Amrud)
Jackfruit कटहल (Katahal)
Lemon नींबू (Nimbu)
Lychee लीची (Lichi)
Mango आम (Aam)
Mulberry शहतूत (Shahtoot)
Musk-Melon खरबुजा (Khabuja)
Orange संतरा (Santra)
Papaya पपीता (Papita)
Pear नाशपाती (Nashpati)
Pineapple अनन्नास (Ananas)
Pomegranate अनार (Anar)
Peach आडू (Aadu)
Plum आलूभुखारा (Aloo Bukhara)
Raisins किसमिस (Kismis)
Sapota चीकू (Chikku)
Star Fruit करमल (Karmal)
Swwet Lime or Sweet Orange मौसमी (Mosambi)
Watermelon तरबूज (Tarbooz)
Water-Chestnut सिंघाड़ा (Singara)
Wood Apple बेल (Bel)

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Soon google will be writing email replies for you

Google will soon be rolling out a new feature called "Smart Reply," in their email app which uses artificial intelligence to suggest replies for your messages.

The Smart Reply feature works a bit like predictive text in keyboard apps, except that it predicts phrases you're most likely to use when replying to messages. The feature will show up to three short sentences based on the message and how people have responded to similar emails in the past.

Behind the scenes, it uses machine learning techniques to surface relevant responses in realtime. As with other tools that use natural language technology, Smart Replies should improve over time as people use the feature more.

Google finds 11 security flaws in Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge

Project Zero, Google's team of expert security researchers, has done exactly that with Samsung's Galaxy S6 Edge, devoting a week to find as many serious security holes as they can. As a result, 11 "high-impact security issues" were discovered, including one that lets an attacker write a file to the victim's system without permission.

Most of the holes stem from the device's drivers and image processing;

The team reported its findings to Samsung, which had already patched eight out of 11 of the flaws. The three unpatched issues, which are not as severe as the rest, are due to be fixed in November.