Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Indian Currency Notes INR 500 and INR 1,000 notes pulled out of circulation

  • PM Modi today announced that currency notes of Rs 500 and Rs 2000 denominations will not be legal tender from midnight between Tuesday and Wednesday, as soon as the date turns to November 9.

  • He said Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes can be deposited to post offices and banks without any charge till December 30. 

  • The move aims at curbing corruption and tackling black money issues.

  • Banks would be closed for public business on November 9, to allow them to tackle the rush of people who might want to deposit their notes. 

  • ATMs will not work on November 9, and at some places on November 10 as well.

  • Cashless fund transfers would remain unaffected.

  • Hospitals, petrol pumps, railway reservation counters, airports, crematoriums and other key services will continue to accept the notes for 72 hours, till the end of November 11.

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Difference between Saving and Current Accounts

Most of us were initiated into the world of banking with a Savings Account. Then, we gradually added a Fixed Deposit or a Recurring Deposit account to the collection. Then there was the elusive Current Account, which we may or may not have needed to open. We always had a vague idea about how a Current Account works (you know the overdraft facility and all that), but never really understood its functions clearly. This article aims to highlight the differences between a Savings and a Current Account and will also help to clear the haze around the nature of a Current Account.

What is a Savings Account?
A Savings Account is the most common type of bank account. Almost every person you know will have a Savings Account or two. You can open a Savings Account with any public-sector or private-sector bank. As the name suggests, the purpose of a Savings Account is to encourage people to save. How is depositing money in a bank account saving? Well, when you deposit money in a Savings Account, you get interest on it. The more money you deposit in your account, the more you earn in interest. This is not to say that your money gets locked in a Savings Account as with other investment options. You can deposit and withdraw money freely from a Savings Account and the interest is computed on the average balance maintained for a certain tenure (say quarterly). Hence, a Savings Account is the first step in personal money management exercises. It’s also a good choice for individuals earning a fixed salary.

What is a Current Account?
As with a Savings Account, you can open a Current Account with any public or private-sector bank. However, it makes sense only for businesses because no interest is given on the balance in a Current Account but deposits and withdrawals are unlimited and do not attract a fee. In essence, it’s like a Savings Account, but with add-on features that can help businesses. A Current Account has many advantages. It is perfect for businesses and companies where free flow of liquidity is essential to keep the engine chugging. You also get an overdraft facility, payment on standing instructions, apart from unlimited withdrawals.

With the basics covered, let’s look at the following table to understand the differences between the two.

Wasn’t that simple? We hope we’ve clarified all your doubts on the two accounts. If you have something to say about a Savings or Current Account, leave us a comment in the comments section below.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Understanding Debt Consolidation

Debt consolidation involves taking out one loan to pay off many others. 
This is often done to secure a lower or fixed interest rate, or for the convenience of paying only one loan.    

How does it work ?
Debt consolidation more often involves a secured loan against an asset that serves as collateral, say a house. In that case, a mortgage is secured against the house.  Deb Consolidation allows a lower interest rate than without it, because after consolidation, the asset owner agrees to forced sale of the asset to pay back the loan. The risk to the money lender is reduced so the interest rate goes down.

Here are some debts which you can eliminate through unsecured debt consolidation program or service:    
  • Credit card bills
  • Unsecured loans
  • Utility bills
  • Hospital bills
  • Payday loans

From above list, Debt consolidation is most advised when someone is paying credit card debt. Credit cards can carry a much larger interest rate than even an unsecured loan from a bank. 

Any relation with credit score ?
Generally, the effect of personal debt consolidation on your credit score is better than that of bankruptcy. Unlike bankruptcy, a consolidation program does not destroy your credit rating. Rather it makes a positive influence on your credit score. If you're regular with your monthly payments on all your debts and do not incur any new debts, your score improves.

Is Debt Consolidation free?  
No, companies providing debt consolidation service will charge you. After a written agreement is signed, a payment method is agreed upon, and the company has received minimum payment. Most companies charge some percentage of the money saved after debt consolidation. 

Friday, September 9, 2016

Automobile Insurance

The Automobile Insurance is today a basic necessity for every vehicle owner. Basically the Auto Insurance means providing a repay to the vehicle owner for any future losses regarding their vehicle. The company that gives an Insurance cover for a vehicle can reimburse to the owner for natural calamities and man-made calamities. Here it is important to know that anything can happen and thus the vehicle owner should always think about the future and must also prepare themselves strong enough in both financial and mental aspects. It is a matter of fact that every vehicle does not run into calamity but it is important to be ready with the financial assessment. The company can provide financial assistance in case of vehicle accident and even it thieves snatch your vehicle. Hence, the Automobile Insurance is a must have policy for every vehicle owner.

Required documents for claim :

The Automobile Insurance is mandatory for each and every vehicle owner and thus the vehicle manufacturing companies had already tied up with different companies which provide insurance cover. It is obvious that the vehicle owner has to pay a prerequisite amount as soon as the vehicle is being registered on their name. The Automobile Insurance Premium amount changes with respect to the type and price of vehicles. Hence, the automobile industry has many options to offer to their customers where they can choose the premium amount according to their balance sheet. The required documents for claim of Automobile Insurance are RC (Registration Copy) copy of the Vehicle, duly signed claim form in original, Original estimate of vehicle cost, Driving License and the FIR copy if your vehicle is been stolen. Therefore, to claim Automobile insurance one has to pay its premium on time and prepare themselves financially for any situations.
Types of Automobile Insurance:

The Automobile Insurance types are Two Wheeler Insurance, Private Car Insurance and Commercial Vehicle Insurance. The detailed information of each type is as follows:

Two Wheeler Insurance: In this type of Automobile Insurance, the driver of the vehicle can claim insurance on accident of the vehicle. Some Insurance companies provide vehicle damages and some don't. Hence, the Two Wheeler Insurance must be chosen after reading all the terms and conditions. The important thing is to know the exact premium amount and it is determined on the basis of the actual cost of vehicle at the time of delivery from the showroom and the rate decided by Tariff Advisory Committee.

Private Car Insurance: The private car insurance is compulsory in all over India. In India the private car Insurance is a sector which is increasing day by day. Here it is emulated on the basis of the year of manufacture of car, the cost price of car and the state from which it is been registered. There are several companies who provide varying premium amount and the vehicle owners can choose it on the basis of their balance sheet and affordability.

Commercial Vehicle Insurance: The Vehicles that come under Commercial Vehicle Insurance are the big ones which are used commercially and they are Heavy Motor Vehicle's (HMV's) and Trucks. It is important to note that the organization that aims to get an insurance cover for their commercial vehicle must assess its tenure of Insurance policy. In this type of Insurance the type and make of vehicle, place of vehicle registration and the tenure of Insurance policy is important.

Advantages of Automobile Insurance:

i) The reimbursement for faulty electrical/electronic parts of vehicle if and only if the payment of additional premium is done by the Vehicle owner.
ii) If in case the vehicle gets crashed in an accident and there is injury or even death of driver then the Insurance company can support with the financial assistance if they find it appropriate.
iii) The vehicle driver too gets an Insurance cover if in case his car is being crashed and he faces death.
iv) The Automobile Insurance generally includes the natural and man made calamities towards vehicle such as lightning, theft or housebreaking, self start of car ignition which damages the car, external explosion, fire, burglary and accidental damages.

The Automobile Insurance fails due to following reasons:
The major failure to claim the Automobile Insurance is due to the drunken driving case and many of the vehicle owners don't care about this situation. The Automobile Insurance does not support the breaking of mechanical parts of Vehicle and also the failure of electrical parts is not included. The last but not least thing is that if the vehicle is driven outside geographical area then the Insurance Company rejects the claim process of Automobile Insurance. Hence, everyone should read all the norms before applying for an Automobile Insurance and then only they should proceed to register it for their Automobile.

Why to prefer cash over credit

Short on cash? No problem! Just bring out your credit card. Punch a few numbers on your computer screen or swipe the card at the store. Technological advances have changed how we use money. Yet, there are good reasons for choosing to pay by cash instead.

1. Regulate spending
Paying by cash allows you to set up a safety net against overspending. That is because you can only spend what you have. Let us say you go shopping and fall in love with a set of high-end speakers. But you are out of cash. Admit it, you would think twice before buying it if you have no credit card.

2. Restrict overpaying
Purchases made by credit card need to be paid for later. Sure, you bought the speakers. But are you happy about paying every month for an extravagance that you could have delayed? Paying only the minimum amount due on your credit card bill is a bad idea. You are simply attracting more interest on the debt.

3. Prioritise needs
Spending in cash allows you to rethink your priorities. You can budget and prioritise your needs. You could have purchased the speakers. But since you have limited cash, you may buy something that is more essential. Instead of buying speakers, you may choose to carry out repair work at home.

4. Trigger savings
By relying on cash more than on credit, you build a base for future savings. Cash helps you to stick to your budget and avoid overspending. This leaves you with good financial habits. Your credit history would remain healthy as a result. Moreover, you are likely to have more money to set aside as savings.

5. Avoid risk
Technology comes with its own set of disadvantages. Identity theft is a major risk associated with credit cards. But there are other risks. Imagine the threat plastic money can pose if you begin to default on payments. What if someone steals your card and uses it to make expensive purchases?

Of course, there are situations where using a credit card is unavoidable and necessary. But being judicious in your use of credit and cash will help you strike the right balance.

UPI - Unified Payment Interface

The much-awaited, revolutionary payment system UPI -- Unified Payment Interface, developed by the National Payment Corporation of India -- has been launched with 21 banks in India.
UPI is a unique payment solution that provides a single interface across all systems for any payment transaction, unlike the traditional NEFT/IMPS (Immediate Payment Service) transactions, where a bank account number is a must.

In a country like India where the most of the people, specifically in rural areas, are not bank-savvy, this is likely to be the best solution for cashless transactions and to promote mobile banking transactions.
Currently, the app to enable this is only for Android phones. Here are the things you should know about Unified Payments Interface:

Firstly, to initiate a payment all you need is a smartphone and your banking app installed on it. Then you have to register with your mobile number to get a unique 'virtual address', which is basically a payment identifier. The UPI app offers the facility to identify a bank customer with this email-like virtual address. You can also use a mobile number or a short name for the virtual address such as XYZ@icici or 123456789@axis

Once the unique ID has been generated you can pay bills, do recharges, and receive or transfer funds real time. This works on a single click two-2factor authentication method, which makes mobile payments easier and quicker. The UPI app also allows you to have multiple virtual addresses for multiple accounts in various banks. While making a payment, the transaction will be complete once the customer authenticates the transaction through a secure PIN.

With UPI, transactions can be as small as Rs 50 to as high as Rs 100,000 and will be done in real time without the need of the bank account or Indian Financial System Code (IFSC).

It is currently available with 21 banks, of which 19 can be downloaded from Google Play Store, which are: Andhra Bank, Axis Bank, Bank of Maharashtra, Bhartiya Mahila Bank, Canara Bank, Catholic Syrian Bank, DCB Bank, Federal Bank, ICICI Bank, TJSB Sahakari Bank, Oriental Bank of Commerce, Karnataka Bank, UCO Bank, Union Bank of India, United Bank of India, Punjab National Bank, South Indian Bank, Vijaya Bank and YES Bank.

IDBI Bank and RBL Bank, as the issuers, will help the customers to download the UPI-enabled Apps and link their account.

Eventually, the goal is, with the increasing usage of smartphone, to encourage mobile banking transactions and bring cashless ecosystem.

Vacation Savings Tips

Escaping from the confines of a cubicle or a classroom for a fun-filled vacation is something most people dream about. The good news is that you can enjoy your holiday without spending exorbitant amounts of money. Read on for tips on how to stretch your vacation and your budget.

Do Your Research
Think about what you'd really like to do on your vacation and create a list to narrow your choices - whether it's hitting the beach, going shopping, climbing a mountain or visiting a museum. Consider whether you can do this somewhere nearby, or whether you know anyone who has done your chosen activities before on a similar budget. Alternatively, travel agencies or even chat rooms on the topic can provide great advice on accommodations, places to dine, things to do and tourist traps to avoid. Internet sites such as Yahoo! Travel, Expedia and Priceline are often useful when seeking reasonable fares.

Look For Deals or Coupons
Peruse newspapers, magazines and websites for advertised deals (or coupons) on items like hotels, rental cars or other methods of transportation you'll be using. Major airlines also offer some good money-saving packages, and many clubs or organizations offer discounts to certain demographics such as students and senior citizens, so be sure to ask vendors what discounts are available and whether you qualify. Booking online can often save you up to 30%.

Shop Around
Don't just call the hotel and airline directly to make reservations; call them to inquire not only about price, but also to determine whether any of the travel websites enable you to plan, price and book the trip online. Many travel websites direct travelers in bulk to certain destinations, which can mean cheaper rates than you'd be able to fetch on your own. In addition, some travel organizations offer discounted rates to groups, when asked. If you don't ask, you might not be offered the discount - and don't forget to negotiate!

Pack A Lunch
Unless you've landed a great all-inclusive vacation, one of your biggest expenses when traveling is dining. Consider packing a cooler with your favorite lunch or dinner items. Alternatively, you could visit the local supermarket each day to shop for some of your meals. This can save you a lot of money over the length of your trip.

Have A "Staycation"
A great way to save money is to find a destination that you and your family can enjoy that is close to home. This way, you can avoid costly transportation such as airfare. Alternatively, you can have a "staycation", where you relax at home and enjoy the flavor of your hometown. You can then use some of your savings on a spa day or park pass.

Summer Camps
Many parents don't have the luxury of spending time with the kids all summer. Summer camps can be an affordable way to ensure your children are in a safe environment and give you some time to yourself. To save money, it is often less expensive to send kids to camp in shorter two- or three-day trips throughout the summer rather than for five or more consecutive days. Day camps that bus children to daily activities are an option that cuts the costs of food, lodging and full-time staff. Early registration can also provide discounts, and many camps also offer gift certificates - which might be an ideal birthday or holiday gift for your child or someone you know

Consider Joining AAA
If you're looking to stay or travel close to home, chances are you'll be relying on the family car. Therefore, it makes sense to ensure that the vehicle is operating properly. In addition to offering roadside assistance (for a price) if necessary, the American Automobile Association (AAA) can help you find a car, and obtain financing and automobile insurance. AAA also offers travel discounts on hotels, cruises and other travel-related items. AAA even offers lower rates at many local merchants.

Find Non-Peak Seasons
Certain destinations are in high demand during certain times of the year. As a result, traveling when everyone else wants to travel can become quite expensive as merchants hike prices during these peak seasons. If you can avoid traveling during a peak season, you can potentially cut costs by 10-50%. Another benefit of avoiding peak season is reduced competition for certain landmarks and attractions. Fewer people means smaller lineups and better photo opportunities. Time of day is another consideration. For example, a theater matinée is often cheaper than the price at night. Time of day can also affect the cost of air travel.

Consider Currency Rates
If your travel plans take you out of the country, high fees related to currency exchange can leave you with a bitter aftertaste. You can easily save a few extra dollars by conducting a pretrip investigation. The best conversion rates are generally found in the country to which you are traveling. However, don't whip our your wallet at the airport, where exchanges tend to be pricey. Instead, head for automated teller machines affiliated with major banks. Also, be sure to check your credit card company's exchange rates before you leave. You may be charged 1% for conversion as well as a 1-2% service fee. This is generally less than what you'd pay if you were exchanging cash or traveler's checks.

Monday, September 5, 2016

10 precautions to take at ATM

Here are 10 ways to ensure your safety. Because it is better safe than sorry!

1. Visit an ATM in a busy neighbourhood: Never visit an ATM in secluded spots and corners. Always make it a point to go to an ATM in a well-lit and crowded area. Since there will be people around, someone may help, if needed.

2. Visit in the busy hours: Late in the night and the wee hours of the day are convenient for thieves. Go at an hour when you see a lot of people around. If you are in dire need of cash, take someone along and be aware of your surroundings at all times.

3. Examine the machine: Sometimes, fraudsters tamper with the ATM machines. They may put fake panels on the machine. These trick you into believing that the machine is not dispensing any money. Placing spy cameras to record your PIN is a common con too. Always check the machine before using.

4. Beware of strangers: If the money get stuck and a stranger comes to help -beware! It could be a trap. Instead, call the bank’s customer service. Only the bank/ATM representatives can help you.

5. Do not leave your card unattended: If the card is stuck or the money is not dispensed, call security. Leaving the card unattended or transaction mid-way is an opportunity for thieves. Misusing your card is not difficult.

6.Protect the PIN at all costs: Do not share your PIN with anyone, not even bank officers. Your PIN is a password for your card and you shouldn’t write it down either. A four-digit number is not difficult to remember.

7. Be vigilant: Keep an eye out on the surroundings of the ATM kiosk. If you feel suspicious, postpone the transaction. If you feel someone is following you, rush towards a busy street.

8. Accept the ATM transaction receipt: Keep it to cross-check your account statements. If there is a mismatch, report it to the bank immediately. Even if you don’t need it, tear and carry the receipt with you and throw it at home.

9. Be careful at drive-thru ATMs: Keep the windows and doors locked, and engine on when using a drive-thru ATM. This eliminates the chances of someone mugging you.

10. Count later: Counting cash at the ATM is an open invite to thieves to come rob you. Once withdrawn, put the money in your bag and walk out.

This work is produced by Simplus Information Services Pvt Ltd.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

How to opt out of whatsapp's new policy of sharing info with facebook

Starting August 25, 2016, the new policy allows WhatsApp to share your account info with Facebook, which the app claims is to improve advertisement and product experience on Facebook.

The new policy also states WhatsApp will start sharing some data with Facebook, which includes your mobile number.  WhatsApp in an online FAQ said, “We will share some of your account information with Facebook and the Facebook family of companies, like the phone number you verified when you registered with WhatsApp, as well as the last time you used our service.”

But WhatsApp insists it won’t be sharing personal messages, chats, photos, videos sent on the app with Facebook.

However, for users who don’t want account information to be shared with Facebook, here are steps to follow -

Go to Settings -> Accounts -> Uncheck "Share My Number"

Source - https://www.whatsapp.com/faq/en/general/26000016

Friday, August 19, 2016

Getting rid of sweat marks

Washing sweaty clothes can often lead to ugly sweat marks and discolouration in those patches. Avoid that by spraying them with lemon juice and water before you put them for washing.

Home made Stain remover

Stains are like people in social gathering you never want to meet but they bump into you anyway. Remember these simple stain removing tips and your life will seem easier – use white chalk for oil stains, soda for grease stains, vinegar for grass and milk for ink stains.

Avoid smelly shoes

It can get extremely embarrassing when you remove your shoes in front of people and they’re stinking like dead animals. Avoid such scenarios by placing dry tea bags or dryer sheets inside your shoes

Getting rid of chewing gum from clothes

If you accidentally sat on chewed gum or someone was mischievous enough to put it on your seat, here is how you can get rid of it. Instead of trying to scrape it off immediately, freeze your dress in the refrigerator and then remove the gum using a butter knife.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Improve performance of android smartphone

We all face issue of slow performing android phone. Here are few options that can improve the performance. These are recommended settings it is upto you to follow either one or all the options -

Choose wisely
Don’t overburden your phone with apps which heavily depend on resource of phone. They would otherwise degrade your phone’s performance.

Keep Firmware up to date
With every new release of android version Google brings great improvements. Theses updates ensure stability, higher performance speed and connectivity along with other user-friendly new features.

Remove unwanted applications
Every app you install in your phone take some storage space and runs some background processes. The more storage space occupied or the more background processes running on your phone, the slower your phone’s performance.

If it is not possible to uninstall the app then disable it.

Avoid using live wallpapers
Yes I agree android’s live wallpapers look cool however badly made wallpaper will need more CPU cycles to run, thus draining the battery faster. Every time you activate the home screen, you run not only your apps but also your live wallpaper.

Clean up the internal cache
Every time we use an app it will build up a cache that can slowdown an Android smartphone. User can delete each used apps' cache regularly to speed up their devices.

Appreciate your comments/feedback!!

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Steps to improve performance of computer

If you feel that your computer has gone slow as compared to earlier days here are few always recommended steps that will help in gaining some speed.

These steps are not limited to users with slow computers, they can be followed on computers giving satisfactory performance.

1. Run Disk Cleanup regularly on disk hosting operating system. It removes unnecessary and temporary files.
Location - Start Menu -> All Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> Disk Cleanup.

2. Run Disk Defragmenter regularly on disk hosting operating system. It moves scattered parts of data close to each other.
Location - Start Menu -> All Programs -> Accessories -> System Tools -> Disk Cleanup.

3. Uninstall unnecessary programs that are no longer required.

4. Run a full anti-virus and anti-spyware scan. This sounds a little confusing as full scanning itself slows the system down but there might be some spywares installed on your machine without your knowledge which are feasting on your computer resources.

5. Stop unnecessary services running in background.
   Location - Control Panel -> All Control Panel Items -> Administrative Tools -> Services.
   Shortcut - Run -> services.msc

6. Stop auto-starting programs. 
Click Start -> Run and type "msconfig" at the prompt. 
Click the Startup tab and disable any application that you feel is not required to be started when you switch on the computer.

Note - For points 5,6, make sure you understand functioning of each running service/application before stopping it otherwise it may affect proper functioning of system.

7. Clean up the registry. This is high risk task and should be performed if you have good knowledge of registries.

8. Delete old network connections. Your computer may be trying to connect to shared hard drives that no longer exist. In Windows Explorer right-click on any network shares you don't actively use and click Delete.

If steps and very small tasks and can be performed anytime. However if the computer is still not performing good upgrade RAM. With an older PC, you will rarely have enough RAM to run today's memory-hogging operating systems and applications, and adding a high-capacity stick or two of quality RAM will give you a quick speed boost.

How to protect your password in internet cafes

Some time or the other, one has to go to cyber cafe or public computers to access internet or e-mail.

These public computer being used by large number of people are most prone to password hacking. 

Cafe owners can not put an eye on every one to stop them from installing hidden hacking softwares. 

One of such hacking softwares is a keylogger.
What Keylogger do is it will record every key pressed in some notepad file and store it at a location only visible to person installed it.

For example, if person goes to hotmail.com  to check e-mails and types ID as  abcd@hotmail.com and password as p@s5word. The keylogger software records every key pressed in its log file as

Microsoft Internet Explorer :

Don't panic, there is solution to it too. 

If you have noticed in statement recorded by keylogger that it does not know what is website address, what and how long is user id and when does password starts. It records as and when you type.

We are going to use this feature of it to fool it.

So, between successive keys of the password if you enter/press random keys anywhere on the screen or on new notepad file, the keylogger software won't ever come to know where you typed in what. The keys keylogger now records will contain the password, with random keys in between.

For Example -
1. Go to hotmail.com.
2. Type in your user ID.
3. Type in the few characters of the password.
4. Open new tab in Internet Explorer.
5. Again go to password field and type in the few more characters of the password.
6. Again go to the addressbar and type in a few more random character.
Keep on repeatin the process till you type in the full password in the password field.

Now Kelogger will something like this-

I'd appreciate your comments/feedback!

Thursday, May 19, 2016

Spices Name in English and Hindi

Asafoetida Heeng
Rock Salt Sendha Namak
Black Salt Kala Namak
Black Pepper Kali Mirch
Red Chilli Lal Mirch
Turmeric Haldi
Coriander Powder Dhania Powder
Coriander Seeds Sabut Dhania
Big Mustard Seeds Sarson
Black Cumin Seeds Kala Jeera
Cumin Seeds Jeera
Black Mustard Seeds Rai
Onion Seeds, Nigella Kalonji, Kalaungi
Carom Seeds, Thymol Seeds, Bishops Weed Ajwain
Dry Pomegranate Seeds Anardana
Tamarind Imli
Fresh Ginger Adrak, Adhrak
Dry Ginger Saunth, Sonth
Dry Mango Powder Amchur
Fenugreek Seeds Methi Ke Dane
Fenugreek Methi
Garlic Lasan, Lahsun, Lahsan
Black Cardamom Badi Elaichi
Cinnamon Dal Chini
Green Cardamom Hari Elaichi, Choti Elaichi
Cloves Laung, Lavang
Sultanas Munacca
Vetiver Kewra
Mace Jayitri, Javitri, Javntry
Nutmeg Jaiphal
Bay Leaf Indian Tej Patta, Tamalpatra
Curry Leaves Kari Patta, Kadipatha
Dry Fenugreek Leaves Kasoori Methi
Holy Basil Tulsi
Saffron Kunkuma, Kesar, Zafran
Mint Pudina, Podina
Pine Nuts Chilgoze, Nioze
Ground Nut, Peanuts Moongphalli, Mungphali
Rock Flower,Stone Flower Pathar Phool
Aniseeds, Fennel Seeds Saunf
Basil Seeds, Sweet Basil Sabja Seeds, Subja, Falooda Seeds, Tukmaria
Caraway Seeds Shahjeera
Water Melon Seeds Magaz
Sesame Seeds Til
Poppy Seeds Khus Khus

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Increase battery life of smart phone

Reduce screen brightness
This will improve battery life over time and also relax your eyes.

Set your screen to turn off after a minute or so of inactivity

Reduce push notifications 
Every notification eats resources from your phone like processor, screen which in-turn affects battery life. If possible turn off the notification for less important apps.

Turn off unused features 
Features like GPS, Bluetooth, NFC, Wi-Fi, SIM data connection eats lots of battery. Keep them turned off if you are not using them.

Prefer WiFi over SIM data
If you have WiFi connection available then use it instread of SIM data connection. WiFi consumes less battery than SIM data connection.

Keep updating phone with software updates
Smartphone companies and operating system companies like Google for Android and Apple for iOS are always trying to release software updates to improve battery life.

Did you like the post? Please share your views about this post or if you know more ways to improve battery life.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Oscars 2016

The 88th Academy Awards ceremony, also called as Oscars, presented by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS), took place on February 28, 2016, at the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood, Los Angeles, beginning at 5:30 p.m. PST.


  • The Big Short
  • Bridge of Spies
  • Brooklyn
  • Mad Max: Fury Road
  • The Martian
  • The Revenant
  • Room
  • Spotlight - WINNER


  • Bryan Cranston, Trumbo
  • Matt Damon, The Martian
  • Leonardo DiCaprio, The Revenant - WINNER
  • Michael Fassbender, Steve Jobs
  • Eddie Redmayne, The Danish Girl


  • Cate Blanchett, Carol
  • Brie Larson, Room - WINNER
  • Jennifer Lawrence, Joy
  • Charlotte Rampling, 45 Years
  • Saoirse Ronan, Brooklyn


  • Christian Bale, The Big Short
  • Tom Hardy, The Revenant
  • Mark Ruffalo, Spotlight
  • Mark Rylance, Bridge of Spies  - WINNER
  • Sylvester Stallone, Creed


  • Jennifer Jason Leigh, The Hateful Eight
  • Rooney Mara, Carol
  • Rachel McAdams, Spotlight
  • Alicia Vikander, The Danish Girl  - WINNER
  • Kate Winslet, Steve Jobs


  • Anomalisa
  • Boy and the World
  • Inside Out - WINNER
  • Shaun the Sheep Movie
  • When Marnie Was There


  • Carol
  • The Hateful Eight
  • Mad Max: Fury Road
  • The Revenant  - WINNER
  • Sicario


  • The Big Short
  • Mad Max: Fury Road
  • The Revenant  - WINNER
  • Room
  • Spotlight


  • Ex Machina  - WINNER
  • Mad Max: Fury Road
  • The Martian
  • The Revenant
  • Star Wars: The Force Awakens

Source -

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Top 10 words used in resumes

Here is LinkedIn's list of top ten words commonly used in resumes around the world -

1. Motivated
2. Creative
3. Enthusiastic
4. Track record
5. Passionate
6. Successful
7. Driven
8. Leadership
9. Strategic
10. Extensive experience

Some facts about Indian Constitution and Republic day parade

Here are some facts about Republic day, Indian Constitution and Republic day parade -

  • The Republic Day celebrations is actually a three-day affair which begins with the President taking the salute at the parade and ending with the soulful and stirring ‘beating the retreat’ ceremony at the capital’s Vijay Chowk.

  • The constituent assembly of India had actually signed off on the new constitution of independent India on 26 November 1949.  However, the official promulgation was deferred to January 26 to mark the call of Purna Swaraj (complete self-rule) given by Jawaharlal Nehru on the banks of the river Ravi in Lahore in 1930.
  • The original constitution is a hand-written document that is kept in a helium-filled case at the Parliament library in New Delhi. There are two copies, one each in English and Hindi. It is the longest constitution on the world. 

  • The parade involves over 25 marching and cavalry contingents, more than 20 military bands, 30 or more cultural tableaux and a flypast of over three dozen aircrafts. The parade is marked by the participation of over a 1,500 schoolchildren and NCC cadets.

  • The Republic Day Parade takes places on the Rajpath which begins at the Vijay Chowk, right in front of the imposing gates of the Rashtrapati Bhawan, flanked by the North and South Block. It then winds it way around the India Gate and along the avenues of Lutyen’s Delhi to culminate at the Red Fort in Old Delhi - a distance of almost 7 kms.

  • President Sukarno of Indonesia was the chief guest at the first republic day in 1950.